Vol. 28, Issue 189 - Friday, July 8, 2011
PO Box 1502
Crooked River Ranch, OR 97760

financing cash merchant

11-2010 Chamber Talk

The witches, goblins and ghosts are now just a memory as we prepare for Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season.  The beautiful leaves are almost off the trees, and many of us are anxiously anticipating cozy fires, the annual turkey feed and visiting with friends and family from near and far.



Your Chamber recently hosted a meeting of all the Central Oregon Chamber Executive Directors.  Several of them had never been to the Ranch.  Many member businesses contributed items for the "Goody Bags" which were presented to our guests.  They really appreciated receiving them and were very impressed with Crooked River Ranch and all that is offered here. Following a great tour of the Ranch, we hosted them for lunch at the Sandbagger.  Thanks to everyone who contributed items for the "Goody Bags" and to the Crooked River Ranch Seniors for providing the van.


Additionally, we recently participated in a Jefferson County basket, to be raffled off at the annual meeting of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.  We contributed a "Crooked River Ranch Getaway."  Thanks to the Golf Pro Shop, Sandbagger Saloon and SunView Motel for providing items for the basket.  It is because of the incredible participation that we get from our members that we are able to continue to promote this Ranch and Terrebonne all over the region.


Speaking of promotion, our new brochures are now in the tourism rack at the Redmond Airport.  Additionally, I just returned from a road trip, where I dropped off some brochures at tourism centers and Chambers of Commerce in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming and chatted a bit with several Chamber Executive Directors and staff.  It was fun visiting with all of them and letting them know about what we have to offer in our area.  Hopefully this dialogue will result in creating awareness about Crooked River Ranch and Terrebonne which will result in more tourism.


Your Board of Directors is currently preparing for our retreat, which will be held Saturday, November 6th.  We will be considering the future direction of this Chamber, and what we would like to accomplish as we enter the new year.  If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, please let us know this week.


This Chamber is busy organizing the "Olde Fashioned Christmas Parade," which will be kicking off at 2pm on Saturday, December 4th.  Thanks to our fabulous "Parade Committee" for all their work in organizing this Parade.  Other "happenings" during "Olde Fashioned Christmas" include Santa visits including photos with Santa, sponsored by Crooked River Realty, from 10am-2pm and from 3pm to 4pm.  The Crooked River Ranch Seniors will provide cookies and hot drinks, and the Crooked River Ranch Artists and Crafters' Guild will hold their annual Christmas Bazaar on SATURDAY ONLY from 10am until 4pm.  Santa will be the Grand Marshall for the Parade.  After the Parade, everyone is invited to congregate in the Ranch Chapel's Family Center to enjoy the opportunity to visit with your friends and neighbors, and to have refreshments and the annual bonfire.  Christmas caroling will convene around the bonfire.


Please don't miss this opportunity to promote your goods and services.  The Parade is a great way to put your name out to those watching.  Also, don't forget the Ranch "Welcome Baskets."  An item or coupon in these baskets gets your name in front of people who are just moving on to the Ranch.  Call me if you need more information.


Don't forget our next Networking Social.  It will be held Thursday, November 18th at Crooked River Realty on Crooked River Ranch.  Festivities begin at 5:30pm.  Join Nancy Popp and her staff as you enjoy great refreshments, visiting with your peers from all over Central Oregon, and finding out what's happening in your communities.


Mark your calendars and don't even THINK of missing this Chamber's Annual Meeting/Gala.  The date is Saturday, January 29th.  There will be some changes this year, and the organizers have lots of fun and surprises in store for us.  More details will follow.  Thanks, in advance, to Chamber President Judy LaPora and her Committee for, once again, organizing this event.


Remember, Chamber membership is available to everyone; businesses, home based businesses, individuals, non-profit organizations and anyone who would like to get involved.  Please let your business associates know about our current membership drive, which offers new members the remainder of 2010 and all of 2011 for one annual fee.  Call me at 541-923-2679 or e mail us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more information.


From all of us to all of you, have a fabulous Thanksgiving.